
Vox music media
Vox music media

Write a letter to a Baltimore musician whose music you enjoy and suggest what their next hit (successful song) could be.

vox music media

“Each time I perform my songs, I get to relive emotion, and share my feelings with an audience.”

vox music media

LIVES: Costa Mesa, California (established her career in Baltimore) Her Spotify bio writes,” she performs mostly as a one-woman-band, incorporating a loop pedal and bass effect on her ukulele while taking her own solos (on mouth-trumpet), and cutting through it all with her genuine lyrics and pure voice.” With various musical talents, Vox, which in Latin means “voice,” composes and performs original jazz and pop songs that talk about love lost and love gained, ways to see life as an adventure, and attachments to nostalgia. Victoria Vox is a singer, musician, and songwriter specializing in the ukulele for its unique sound and versatility. VIEW NEXT ARTIST > Victoria vox musician MEET THE ARTIST

Vox music media